Shiny Objects and Patina Wisdom

Shiny Objects and Patina Wisdom

It’s the season of glitter and shine. The beauty grabs our gaze. We like new, shiny things. It’s true in our personal and business lives. We are drawn to the shiny object and its promise. There is a different kind of beauty in the world too; the wisdom that comes with...

The Role of Detractors!

Innovation is change by its very nature and so it brings out energy, both positive and negative. The positive energy is from all the people who get excited about the possibilities.  But, there may be as many people who harbor negative energy…your detractors....

The Purist, the Pragmatic and the Principled

The Purist, the Pragmatic and the Principled…(walk into a bar? No…this is not the start of a bad joke). There are two primary stances in design thinking—Purists and Pragmatics. The Purist believes that design thinking must be done perfectly every time, with all...
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