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Advertising, like so many things, all depends…

Advertising, like so many things, all depends…

Is advertising good or bad? People love to hate on ads–saying they don’t watch them, skipping over them with their DVR. Ads are defamed as an annoyance to many. Clearly this is the argument that advertising is bad. Yet, as a marketer, I have seen the power...
Shiny Objects and Patina Wisdom

Shiny Objects and Patina Wisdom

It’s the season of glitter and shine. The beauty grabs our gaze. We like new, shiny things. It’s true in our personal and business lives. We are drawn to the shiny object and its promise. There is a different kind of beauty in the world too; the wisdom that comes with...

Studies or Stories?

What is your go to? When you have an idea or a recommendation to make are you likely to site a study with data or tell a story?  Business often runs on analytical studies, statistics, significant difference. It helps us feel like we are foolproof in our actions.  But...

A clear signal in a sea of noise–insight driven ideas

As I tried to have a conversation with the buzz of a conference crowd around me, it was really difficult to hear what was being shared.  I think this is an analogy for so much of what innovators and marketers face. There is a lot of noise out there and people with...

The Discipline of Discovery

Discovery, Creativity, Innovation.  When you think of these words I bet you don’t think of associating words like discipline and process to them. Yet, I would say it is appropriate to do just that, but in ways that may not be what you might typically imagine....
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