In Our Own Way

In Our Own Way

I have been struck recently how often the challenges we face in our work and lives are self created.  In essence, we are in our own way. We can overcomplicate the issue We can be willing to hold onto assumptions that do not help us We can be unwilling to be...

The Role of Detractors!

Innovation is change by its very nature and so it brings out energy, both positive and negative. The positive energy is from all the people who get excited about the possibilities.  But, there may be as many people who harbor negative energy…your detractors....

Silver Bullets vs. Toolbelts

Everyone wants a silver bullet. An easy way to find the answer, to win, to outmaneuver the competition. I have to admit, a silver bullet would make life easier in business, but a lot less interesting. I find I am more interested in well worn and outfitted tool belts,...

What are you asking

Which is more powerful:  focusing on the solution or the question? Early in my career I was mesmerized with the solution. Not any longer. It’s the questions that fascinate me today.  I believe focusing on the questions is a powerful approach to business and...

The Discipline of Discovery

Discovery, Creativity, Innovation.  When you think of these words I bet you don’t think of associating words like discipline and process to them. Yet, I would say it is appropriate to do just that, but in ways that may not be what you might typically imagine....
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