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The Leader’s Voice in Design Thinking

The Leader’s Voice in Design Thinking

 Which is more important–the consumer’s voice or the leader’s voice in creating a transformative Design Thinking experience? It is not an either or choice as both are essential. The Consumer Voice is essential in developing empathy and co-creating for her/his needs...

Operator Error!

Design Thinking is… What is Design Thinking–good or bad? a useful approach or a waste of time? innovative or preserving the status quo? I hate to do it again but it’s all in the AND, not the OR. Design Thinking is good and bad, useful and a waste of...

The Job of Design Thinking

Have you heard of Jobs Theory? It is a growing approach to innovation that is capturing business people’s imagination.  At the heart of a product or service is the progress desired by the person, the job.  Jobs differ by circumstance and can be driven by...
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