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Tis the season!

I have been silent lately, not having blogged since November 14th.  I think that is fitting.  In the US, at least, it is crazy time with people celebrating Thanksgiving in November as a lead in to a myriad of holidays that fall in November/December. Sometimes it makes sense to not add to the noise…to be silent. I was looking over a book I read a few years ago The Laws of Simplicity by John Maeda. His fifth law is “differences”. In that ‘law’ he highlights the power of modulating between states of being–from complexity to simplicity or from control to chaos, or as I have interpreted, from talking to silence.

During this silence I have been highly engaged with my family and reflective in my thinking. It has been renewing as we bring 2014 to a close. Thanks for being part of my journey this past year.  I wish you only the best in the coming year. May 2015 be a year of empathy, discovery, camaraderie, prosperity and joy.



Take Action

If you have been doing a lot of one thing (for me that was blogging) take a little break and reflect before coming back to it. Enjoy the renewal of stepping away for a short time.

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