Seeing is believing. That is why a picture is worth a thousand words and a prototype is worth a thousand pictures. There are times you just cannot visualize what you might need until you see it. I often hear the complaint about how consumers don’t know what...
Recent research suggests the long “go to innovation tool” of brainstorming doesn’t work*. How can that be? I remember the brainstorming sessions of the 80’s. Friday afternoon a bunch of us might go into a conference room and start...
In the beginning of any new skill, you work hard to “stay in the lines” and maintain control, to ‘do it right’. The same is true for design thinking. People want a play book, the rules, the steps they can logically follow each time. To...
It is all around me. Perhaps I am suffering that phenomena of when you tune in to something it seems to keep presenting itself in various forms. For me, it is the power of Empathy to unlock so many positive things, such as creativity, innovation, employee...
It is an uncomfortable thought for many to think “your genius is needed.” And yet, it is. We only use 10% of our brains and yet we have massive problems facing our country, our businesses, our lives–you name it. Can we really expect more out of...