Growing by Design

Being Fearless at Work
Are you fearless at work? Or do you hold back, protect yourself from exposure? How about your organization more broadly? I am often struck how organization's ability to innovate, to collaborate, or to drive the business is hindered by the conditions in which they try...

The Leader’s Voice in Design Thinking
Which is more important–the consumer’s voice or the leader’s voice in creating a transformative Design Thinking experience? It is not an either or choice as both are essential. The Consumer Voice is essential in developing empathy and co-creating for her/his needs...

Shiny Objects and Patina Wisdom
It’s the season of glitter and shine. The beauty grabs our gaze. We like new, shiny things. It’s true in our personal and business lives. We are drawn to the shiny object and its promise. There is a different kind of beauty in the world too; the wisdom...

In Our Own Way
I have been struck recently how often the challenges we face in our work and lives are self created. In essence, we are in our own way. We can overcomplicate the issue We can be willing to hold onto assumptions that do not help us We can be unwilling to be...
Operator Error!
Design Thinking is... What is Design Thinking--good or bad? a useful approach or a waste of time? innovative or preserving the status quo? I hate to do it again but it's all in the AND, not the OR. Design Thinking is good and bad, useful and a waste of time,...
Studies or Stories?
What is your go to? When you have an idea or a recommendation to make are you likely to site a study with data or tell a story? Business often runs on analytical studies, statistics, significant difference. It helps us feel like we are foolproof in our actions. But...
The Magic of Rapport
As I was getting ready to de-plane after a business trip two men began to exchange heated words over one's complaint that the other man was standing in his aisle space. It kept escalating, but luckily the line started moving and then it ended. On the news the other...
Connecting as Leaders
What makes the difference between great leaders and the rest? I don’t think it is one thing, and not always the same thing for everyone, but I do think it is in transition. In the world before the 24/7 globally connected business world relentlessly coming at you, it...

Design Thinking-Moving Beyond Disintegration
I was reading an obituary of a former co-worker who died too early and discovered a host of other gifts she had that I had never seen or known. At work, I knew her as a lovely Marketing Professional, a highly capable one. Yet there was a greater dimension...

The P&G Family
What does it mean to be part of “The P&G Family”? Nearly 30 years ago I said yes to my job offer at P&G. My motivations were purely ambition related…to start my career at the world’s best marketer to launch my professional self. I had several...