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Growing by Design

Oh! The Strategist and the Tactician Should Be Friends!

(Sung to the tune of "Oh! The Farmer and the Cow-man Should Be Friends" from the musical Oklahoma!) Oh! The Strategist and the Tactician should be friends! Oh! The Strategist and the Tactician should be friends! One likes to imagine the f'ture now, The other likes to...

The Arc of Innovation

They did what? Yogurt from a Fashion Magazine? Salty Snacks launching a Lemonade? Lighters extending into Perfume? Toothpaste launches Frozen Foods?  How does innovation like this make it out the door? I think it happens more often than we like to admit....

Just Yell LOUDER!!! (I don’t think so!)

Just Yell LOUDER!!! (I don’t think so!)

"If John doesn't listen to you the first time, you just have to keep going back to be heard and yell louder!" Advice from one experienced traveling businessman to his younger colleague as I travelled behind them in the queue for security at the airport.  I...

Is design thinking strategic or tactical? YES!

Is design thinking strategic or tactical? The answer is YES. It all depends on how you use it as to whether or not it is strategic or tactical.  The most common use of design thinking is to solve a tangible, specific problem with a specific solution....

The Purist, the Pragmatic and the Principled

The Purist, the Pragmatic and the Principled…(walk into a bar? No...this is not the start of a bad joke). There are two primary stances in design thinking—Purists and Pragmatics. The Purist believes that design thinking must be done perfectly every time, with all...

Remembering and Dreaming

This fall has been so action packed it has been 2 1/2 months since my last blog. While the writing has been on hold, my mind has been full of thoughts. I thought I would share one of those with you in this post... My work recently has been focused on...

IGNITING GROWTH for ideas, THOUGHT STARTERS and INSPIRATIONS to ignite your team and yourself on this journey

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