How quickly our lives are changing. Simple things, that were once automatic are now conscious for you, your employees and suppliers. Notice your own life: What is no longer automatic? Do you feel anxious when you head into a store that is familiar and yet...
There was a day when I thought the vulnerable were other people, not me. That thought has gone as we face the reality of Covid co-existing in our communities for the foreseeable future. We are all vulnerable. Vulnerable to the shifts happening around us: global...
There are many Befores and Afters in our life. For me it was college, marriage, kids, P&G, 9/11, my daughter’s leukemia diagnosis. In each case, I was profoundly changed by the event that created the before and after. I was changed. How I approached...
Is advertising good or bad? People love to hate on ads–saying they don’t watch them, skipping over them with their DVR. Ads are defamed as an annoyance to many. Clearly this is the argument that advertising is bad. Yet, as a marketer, I have seen the power...
Are you fearless at work? Or do you hold back, protect yourself from exposure? How about your organization more broadly? I am often struck how organization’s ability to innovate, to collaborate, or to drive the business is hindered by the conditions in which...
Which is more important–the consumer’s voice or the leader’s voice in creating a transformative Design Thinking experience? It is not an either or choice as both are essential. The Consumer Voice is essential in developing empathy and co-creating for her/his needs...