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Happiness by Design

One of the gifts of working in a way that is human centered is that it is fulfilling, as you tune into the needs, motivations and realities of someone's life.  People leveraging design thinking find they "fall in love" with the person for whom they are solving. This...

Insights are T.H.A.T.

In my last blog I talked about the Magic of Empathy.  There is a great gift empathy provides as part of that magic:  it reveals deep insights that previously were obscured.  With design thinking, and empathy in particular, these insights become clear. Sometimes they...

The Magic of Empathy

Recently I felt that magic moment when deep empathy emerges as I was wrapping up an engagement with a client.  You may have felt this moment...when all of the sudden something comes into focus for the first time that makes everything clearer.  You can hear a pin drop...

Cindy is energetic and creative, adept at unlocking human insight to see possibilities. Her energy is focused on people, creative solutions and her community. Cindy enjoys helping people and organizations realize their full potential, speaking and teaching, and spending time with family and friends. In her accomplished career thus far, Cindy has succeeded at P&G, consulting, and teaching at the graduate level. But the possibilities are endless and who knows what else will unfold.  This blog is one of her creative outlets designed to share her wisdom with others.  Enjoy!

You can contact Cindy at “Oh, the places we will go!”

IGNITING GROWTH for ideas, THOUGHT STARTERS and INSPIRATIONS to ignite your team and yourself on this journey

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