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Shiny Objects and Patina Wisdom

Shiny Objects and Patina Wisdom

It’s the season of glitter and shine. The beauty grabs our gaze. We like new, shiny things. It’s true in our personal and business lives. We are drawn to the shiny object and its promise. There is a different kind of beauty in the world too; the wisdom...

In Our Own Way

In Our Own Way

I have been struck recently how often the challenges we face in our work and lives are self created.  In essence, we are in our own way. We can overcomplicate the issue We can be willing to hold onto assumptions that do not help us We can be unwilling to be...

Operator Error!

Design Thinking is... What is Design Thinking--good or bad? a useful approach or a waste of time? innovative or preserving the status quo? I hate to do it again but it's all in the AND, not the OR. Design Thinking is good and bad, useful and a waste of time,...

Cindy is energetic and creative, adept at unlocking human insight to see possibilities. Her energy is focused on people, creative solutions and her community. Cindy enjoys helping people and organizations realize their full potential, speaking and teaching, and spending time with family and friends. In her accomplished career thus far, Cindy has succeeded at P&G, consulting, and teaching at the graduate level. But the possibilities are endless and who knows what else will unfold.  This blog is one of her creative outlets designed to share her wisdom with others.  Enjoy!

You can contact Cindy at “Oh, the places we will go!”

IGNITING GROWTH for ideas, THOUGHT STARTERS and INSPIRATIONS to ignite your team and yourself on this journey

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